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Managing Broker
Bainbridge Island,
Greater Kitsap
& beyond...


COVID is forcing workplace changes

and driving folks out of the city. Real Estate Agents are fielding these calls daily.

Working from home takes on many forms.

With big hitters like Amazon and Microsoft still employing folks to work from home for the foreseeable future, there is no doubt we will see a rise in Buyers moving out of the city.

We have been seeing this for years on Bainbridge Island and throughout Kitsap as companies have begun allowing folks to tele-commute a day or two for a while now. Now that companies (world-wide!) have ample tele-communting systems in place, what excuse is there to ban full or part-time tele-commuters after COVID?

What is the protocol for returning to the office?

Microsoft teamed with United Health Care to roll out a coronavirus screening app to US employers, dubbed ProtectWell, which features a daily symptom screener to clear employees to return to work or direct them to be tested for the virus, according to CNBC. If an employee is directed to receive a test, the ProtectWell app provides them with their test results and notifies their employer in the event of a positive test. (Big Brother much?)

Microsoft and UnitedHealth — which are currently utilizing the service for their own employees — are offering the app to employers across the US at no charge.

How do you social-distance when your Amazon building is 40 levels and you need to ride the elevator? It could take you an hour just to get upstairs... What we can all agree on, is that things will not be the same.

How do you get through the home-schooling process while working & how long will it last?

As a single parent, working from home, I've learned to let some things go. The kids have taken on more responsibilities and I have truly enjoyed the lack of scheduled activities. Up to a point.

My kids have earned PhD's in modern dance, video editing, photo collage and "cooking".

In the meantime, our school districts are now preparing for solid virtual learning in the fall or a combo of in-school/distance learning.

As we push forward, it's best to reflect on the positive side of all this madness and change. Focus on the takeaways. Hindsight is 2020.

...If you haven't seen this yet, it is a gem:

Joining the Seattle exodus?

Call me! Let's find you a nice Kitsap home!



A Few COVID Resources:

Amazon maintains a COVID blog- updating employees, consumers and the the general public about their response to the crisis.


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Marisa 206-755-0300

Bainbridge Island, Greater Kitsap County, and beyond!


Managing Broker & Realtor®, Windermere Real Estate/ West Sound,Inc.

Zillow Premier Agent 


LHC, Luxury Homes Certified , Accredited Buyer's Representative ABR®,

REAL Negotiation Certified &

SRES, Seniors Home Specialist


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